
My forbidden face summary
My forbidden face summary

my forbidden face summary

In a step of defiance, she set up a clandestine school in her home for a small number of young girls. Latifa struggled against an overwhelming sense of helplessness and despair. Her disbelief at having to hide her face was soon replaced by fear, the fear of being whipped or stoned like the other women she'd seen in the streets. Latifa had never worn a veil before, but was now forced to be swathed in a chadri, the state-mandated uniform that covered her entire body. The simplest and most basic freedoms like walking down the street alone or even looking out of a window were forbidden. And from that moment, Latifa, just sixteen years old, became a prisoner in her own home. Then, on September 26, 1996, Taliban soldiers seized power in Kabul.

my forbidden face summary

An astonishing first-hand account of a young womans life lived under the tyranny of the Taliban.Born into a middle-class Afghan family in Kabul in 1980, Latifa spent her teenage days talking fashion and movies with her friends, listening to music, and dreaming of one day becoming a journalist.

My forbidden face summary